
God's plan on getting us to Heaven

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I want to share God's plan of getting to Heaven with everyone. My way of sharing is through the book "God's Roadmap to Heaven: Connecting the Dots."  It started with a simple question, "Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?"  

I knew the answer was in the Bible, but it can be overwhelming.  So, one day I started writing a rough draft to help me understand how the Old Testament dots connect to Jesus Christ in the New Testament.  After the rough draft was done, my PTO Ladies and I spent a year focusing on every detail.  Then it was used it as a Bible study to complete the finishing touches.

This easy to follow book takes God's dots and explains how we can know Jesus Christ is God's plan.  Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven and our trust in God's plan is the final dot on God's roadmap.  

Jesus Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." (John 14:6 NLT)

My journey of faith

I grew up in a small town called Hartington, Nebraska. As I was growing up, I went to church every Sunday. I loved the routine, the quiet songs and the peace of church. When I was about thirteen I asked my mom, "How do I get into Heaven?" She told me, "Your soul is like a white ball. Every time you sin (disobey God God) you get a black mark on it. When you die, God looks at your ball. If He sees enough white then He will let you into Heaven." 

I knew what that meant, be a good girl! So, I really tried hard to be good, but I couldn't seem to stop putting marks on my white ball. I'd say something mean - mark. I'd do something wrong - mark. I'd think something bad - mark. When I got to college the marks came even faster. You know what I mean ... Mark – mark – markmarkmark. 

I sometimes wondered if there was enough white left on my soul for God to let me into Heaven. At other times, I thought God was unfair to make this rule. Where did He write this rule anyway? I knew He let people into Heaven, but it wasn't fair that I wouldn't know the answer until I died. It just didn't seem fair and I couldn't do anything to clean the marks off my white ball. 

I met my husband, Bo, in college and we were married in 1987. He said he "came to Christ" when he was young, but I didn't know what that meant. As the years went by, I became more afraid of dying because I was getting more black marks. So, I just tried not to think about it.

In 1997 our daughter, Jessie, was born and I started to think about Heaven again. What if she asked me, "How do I get to Heaven?" What would I say? 

Two years later I asked Bo, "What is your favorite Bible verse?" He told me "John 14:6 'Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" What?!? Jesus had nothing to do with my way of getting to Heaven. 

I figured there must be something in the Bible to help me figure this out. So, I bought a Bible and started reading the easier part; the new part. I read ... Matthew, Mark, Luke and John ... and thought "Why did I have to read the same story four times?" I wasn't getting it and I was getting frustrated. But I'm stubborn, so I kept reading every day and saying a quick prayer. 

Then one day I read Romans 12:2 "… let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is." (New Living Translation) 

Okay, I still didn't get it, but I knew I wanted God to fix my soul. So, I just decided to trust Him. I knelt in our kitchen and told God, "I don't get any of this, but if you tell me to trust you, then that’s what I’ll do." Something changed at that moment. I didn't understand, but I knew God did something special that day. Getting to Heaven had moved from “my way” to simply trusting God. 

Since that time, God has taught me so much. My favorite lesson was the one He taught me about my soul; the marks can be erased. God can do it! He is the only one who can make my soul sparkling, white. Psalm 51:7 says, “Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” (New Living Translation) This washing can only be done by what Jesus did for us on the cross.


Video: How the book started

I made this video to share how the book started. The book was written to walk you through the Bible. As you follow the book, you will understand God's plan to get you into Heaven. I hope you will download the free eBook and trust in God as you take the journey. Praying for you, Carol

God's plan on getting us to Heaven

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Steps for a book discussion

I would be thankful if you would consider getting together with others to talk about my FREE eBook; God’sRoadmap to Heaven: Connecting the Dots.
This easy-to-read book follows the major events of the Bible to explain God's plan to get us to Heaven and why Jesus is the only way to get there. While chronologically going through the Bible, you will read answers to questions like: Why were the plagues and Passover important? What was the purpose of the covenants? Why did Jesus have to be Jewish? Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?

What you should know about the book:

  • It's very easy to read! 
  • It's for everyone ... if you're curious about the Bible or if you've read it for years.
  • It's gives an amazing fly-over of the Bible.
  • Over 1,000 verses are written out. So, you do not have to have a Bible to read this book.
  • There's a great blog for this book with links to the FREE eBook, additional information and answers to FAQ:
  • The blog has links to FB videos & posts:
  • Hard copies can be printed; just download the PDF file and print on your home printer or at your local copy shop.

Suggested steps to using this book as a book discussion ...

Step 1:  The book divides easily into 13 weeks ….
1: Overview
2: Days 1-5
3: Days 6-10
4: Days 11-15
5: Days 16-20
6: Days 21-25
7: Days 26-30
8: Days 31-35
9: Days 36-40
10:Days 41-45
11: Days 46-50
12: Days 51-54
13: Day 55 (The longest chapter)

Step 2:  Ask others to join you ….
Please join me for a book discussion starting (date).We will be reading the book “God’s Roadmap to Heaven: Connecting the Dots.” It gives a fly-over of the Bible and explains how Jesus Christ is God’s plan to get us into Heaven.

Dates & times: (Start date/time – End date/time)
Cost:   (Free – or the fee for printing)
Location:  (Address)
RSVP: (Name & contact info)

Step 3: The first night …
Ø Thank everyone for joining.
Ø Pray for the study. (If you feel comfortable.)
Ø Do an ice breaker.
Ø Make sure everyone is able to download the book
Ø Explain the overview of the book; it provides a timeline “fly-over” of the major events of the Bible to understand how Jesus Christ is God's plan to get us into Heaven. Or you can use my FB video for the overview: 


  • Briefly read through the intro: Getting Ready for Our Journey
Note: My blog has links to my Facebook videos, an overview of the week’s readings and posts for sharing your thoughts:


Step 4: The rest of the nights …
  • Take a moment to pray. (If you feel comfortable)
  • Ask if there were any questions from the prior week's reading.
  • Start the discussion with "What did you think?" "What caught your attention?" "What surprised you while you were reading?"
  • No need for a lot of structure; some chapters may have little discussion and others a lot.
  • Please use the book's blog as a resource for answers to FAQ and additional information:

Helpful hints:
  • The blog has links to my Facebook videos for an overview of the week’s readings and posts where you can share your thoughts and comments.
  • Your discussion will be as unique as the group itself. So, what's on each person heart will determine the questions, comments, concerns, answers,information, etc.
  • Some of the information takes a while to process. It’s so important to be patient and allow everyone time to think. Remember: silence may be a little uncomfortable, but it truly is golden! 
  • If there is a question you need time toresearch, simply ask everyone to help by looking into the answer & then sharingthe following week. (Or you can chat about it using emails or the Facebook posts.)

Videos and posts for the Days/chapters

I have created videos and posts for the different Days (chapters) on Facebook. The videos are broken into five day segments. I hope the videos will help provide a glimpse into the readings. 

There are also individual posts for each Day (chapter) of the book on Facebook. Each post can be used as a tool to help with your discussions. The post provides an image and a brief overview of the reading. Members can also post comments and replies.

Thank you for taking the time to view the videos and posts! 
Praying for you, 

Click on the name below to be taken to the Facebook video:

1:  Overview               
2:  Days 1-5                 
3:  Days 6-10               
4:  Days 11-15    
5:  Days 16-20             
6:  Days 21-25             
7:  Days 26-30             
9:  Days 36-40             
10: Days 41-45            
11: Days 46-50            
13: Day 55 

Click on the Day below to be taken to the Facebook post:

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 55


Day 00: How was the Bible copied?

Here are some interesting facts on the Bible. It gives information on how the Bible was copied, the men who recorded God's words, why we can be confident the Bible we hold in our hands is an accurate copy of the original. 

As I learned about how it was written these were some of my thoughts ...
-> The Old Testament writers (scribes) were meticulous about their job. Can you imagine taking a bath ever time you wrote the name of God? For example: Psalms chapter 7 has 17 verses & the word God appears 7 times. That means they washed their bodies & their pens 7 times to write 17 sentences.
-> When a scribe copied Genesis, which contain32,046, they had to look at ever word before they wrote it. When they were done they would count to the middle word. If it was wrong they would bury the entire copy
->  We have over 25,000 copies, either whole or parts, of the New Testament.  

Hope you enjoy the information, Carol

The following information was found at http://gotquestions.org/

Facts on the Bible:The Bible is broken into two parts: Old Testament and New Testament. It is a collection of 66 books, written by 40 or more different men over a period of 1,600 years. As you read it, you will see it is clearly one Book, with perfect unity and with one consistent message. The Old Testament and the New Testament are about actual people and events. The historical facts have been confirmed in the past & are still being confirmed to this day. It is the message of God’s plan to bring us back to Him and eventually be brought into Heaven. 

Old Testament:The first book was written by Moses almost 3,500 years ago. The copies of the original Old Testament were hand-written by men called Scribes. Because they were responsible for accurately passing along God’s Word they needed to make sure the copy perfectly matched the original, it could be clearly read and recopied later. Their system for making copies was precise and painstaking. These are some of the rules they had for making a copy of God’s Word:
-No word could be written from memory. The scribe had to look at each word before writing it.
-They had to say each word aloud while they were writing.
-The letters, words, and paragraphs had to be counted, and the document became invalid if two letters touched each other.
-The middle paragraph, word and letter must match the original document.
-They had to clean their pen and wash their bodies before they wrote the word “Jehovah” (God).
-They would not use a pen that was newly dipped in ink to write the name of God. This was to make sure the pen didn’t drip while writing the name.

-If one, two or three mistakes were found, the mistakes were fixed. If four or more mistakes were found the copy was "put away."
-They would never destroy any document containing God’s Word. Instead they would store or bury them in a "hiding place" (usually a synagogue or a Jewish cemetery.)
-The scribe’s job was not taken lightly. It was highly honored and had little room for error. Their job was to pass on God’s Word to future generations and the Old Testament we hold in our hands is a proof of their determination. 

New Testament:The New Testament is amazing because it has as many as 25,000 hand written copies (either all of the original words of parts of them). To help us understand how amazing this is let’s compare it to second place: Homer’s Iliad. The Iliad has 643 copies. It’s not even a “close” second.
The New Testament was written by the eyewitness or someone who documented the eyewitness account. All of them chose to suffer and die rather then deny what they wrote. Here’s a partial list of the writers. The fact that all of the apostles were willing to die horrible deaths, refusing to renounce their faith in Christ – is tremendous evidence that they had truly witnessed the resurrection of Jesus Christ

Matthew - death by a sword in Ethiopia.
Mark - dragged by horses in Alexandria, Egypt until dead.
Luke - hanged from an olive tree in Greece until dead.
John - suffered by being boiled in oil and later forced to work in the mines on Patmos. He was the only one who died an old man.
Peter - crucified upside down.
James the Just - thrown off the Temple peak and fell over 100 feet. He survived, but was beaten to death after fall.
James the son of Zebedee - beheaded in Jerusalem. The Roman officer who listened to James defend his faith knelt beside James and was beheaded as well. Before the officer was beheaded he declared his faith in the truth.

Bartholomew - whipped to death in Armenia.
Andrew - whipped before being tied to a cross in Patras, Greece. He was on the cross for two days before he died. During the two days he continued to tell people about the truth.
Thomas - missionary stabbed to death with a spear in India.
Jude - killed with arrows when he refused to deny the truth.
Matthias - stoned and then beheaded.
Barnabas - stoned to death at Salonica.
Paul - imprisoned, tortured and then beheaded in Rome by Nero.

Below taken from:  http://www.vision.org/visionmedia/article.aspx?id=1049

Another reason for the reliability of the Old Testament Scriptures is that their preservation was committed to professional scribes. When a scroll had been used to its limit, it was copied with extreme care. The checks on accuracy of the copy were strenuous. Letters of each word were tallied for each line, each column and each scroll. The middle word and the middle letter were located and recorded. Even the number of times each letter of the alphabet appeared in the scroll was tallied and compared. If one, two or three mistakes were found, these mistakes were sought out and corrected; if more than three mistakes were found by these tallies, the faulty copy was immediately destroyed.
  Some would attempt to deceive the world, shaming it into thinking that the Bible is unreliable, but they ignore the amazing facts about the preservation of the Scriptures. Today we have seven manuscript copies of Plato's works, the earliest dating from A.D. 900, more than 1,200 years after their original recording. We have 52 copies of Aristotle's works, the earliest dating from A.D. 1100, over 1,400 years after their composition. We have three manuscripts of Catullus, dating from A.D. 1550, more than 1,600 years after they were first written.

Compare this to the New Testament: We have in excess of 25,000 manuscripts, the earliest of which dates from A.D. 130 (by latest estimate)—a mere 80 years removed from its original! In fact, the New Testament is by far the best-attested ancient work, the runner-up for the prize being The Iliad. Homer's first major work exists in some 644 copies, the earliest of which is all of 500 years removed from its original.

Sir Frederick Kenyon, late head librarian at the British Museum, wrote: “The interval then between the dates of original composition and the earliest extant evidence becomes so small as to be in fact negligible, and the last foundation for any doubt that the Scriptures have come down to us substantially as they were written has now been removed. Both the authenticity and the general integrity of the books of the New Testament may be regarded as finally established” (The Bible and Archaeology, 1940).

Day 00: My favorite Bible research websites

Here are some of the websites I like to search when I need a biblical answer to my question, Carol

This is one I like to use to help me find specific information in the Bible.  It includes:  searches, commentaries, study tools, maps, devotionals, FAQ and helps.  You can choose the translation from a huge list so just pick your favorite version.
This is one includes:  Passage Lookups, keyword searches, a topical index, additional resources and reading plans.  Most people find this easier to use then the one above.

This one is a great site to answering questions.  You simply type in your question & it will give you a list of articles to read.  The article will include the bible verses & by either moving your mouse over it (or clicking on it) the verse appears.  

I've used this a lot(!) for our section on Creation.  You can search different subjects & it will give you a list of articles from the scientific point-of-view.  

Day 01: How old is the earth, according to the Bible?

Age of the earth according to the Bible: 6000 years:  If we are to base our faith on the Bible then It needs to be our source of truth.  This is a great article on the age of the earth based on the Bible historical details.  Hope you find it interesting, Carol

... faith is putting ourselves quietly in God's hands for Him to do His work.  ~Andrew Murray 
Question: "What is the age of the earth? How old is the earth?"

Given the fact that, according to the Bible, Adam was created on the sixth day of our planet’s existence, we can determine a biblically-based, approximate age for the earth by looking at the chronological details of the human race. This assumes that the Genesis account is accurate, that the six days of creation were literal 24-hour periods, and that there were no ambiguous gaps in the chronology of Genesis.

The genealogies listed in Genesis chapters 5 and 11 provide the age at which Adam and his descendants each fathered the next generation in a successive ancestral line from Adam to Abraham. By determining where Abraham fits into history chronologically and adding up the ages provided in Genesis 5 and 11, it becomes apparent that the Bible teaches the earth to be about 6000 years old, give or take a few hundred years.

What about the billions of years accepted by most scientists today and taught in the vast majority of our academic institutions? This age is primarily derived from two dating techniques: radiometric dating and the geologic timescale. Scientists who advocate the younger age of about 6000 years insist that radiometric dating is flawed in that it is founded upon a series of faulty assumptions, while the geologic timescale is flawed in that it employs circular reasoning. Moreover, they point to the debunking of old-earth myths, like the popular misconception that it takes long periods of time for stratification, fossilization and the formation of diamonds, coal, oil, stalactites, stalagmites, etc, to occur. Finally, young-earth advocates present positive evidence for a young age for the earth in place of the old-earth evidences which they debunk. Young-earth scientists acknowledge that they are in the minority today but insist that their ranks will swell over time as more and more scientists reexamine the evidence and take a closer look at the currently accepted old-earth paradigm.

Ultimately, the age of the earth cannot be proven. Whether 6000 years or billions of years, both viewpoints (and everything in between) rest on faith and assumptions. Those who hold to billions of years trust that methods such as radiometric dating are reliable and that nothing has occurred in history that may have disrupted the normal decay of radio-isotopes. Those who hold to 6000 years trust that the Bible is true and that other factors explain the “apparent” age of the earth, such as the global flood, or God’s creating the universe in a state that “appears” to give it a very long age. As an example, God created Adam and Eve as fully-grown adult human beings. If a doctor had examined Adam and Eve on the day of their creation, the doctor would have estimated their age at 20 years (or whatever age they appeared to be) when, in fact, Adam and Eve were less than one day old. Whatever the case, there is always good reason to trust the Word of God over the words of atheistic scientists with an evolutionary agenda.

Day 01: Creation vs evolution, what are the differences?

Many have said evolution explains Creation & that they both fit together.  But when you look at the differences, it becomes odvious they can not be merged together.  Because of their many differences we are faced with the question ... which do you believe is true?  Will you put your faith in God & His word?  Or in a theory created by men?  Hope you enjoy seeing the comparison,  Carol

                         Creation                                                 Evolution
Earth before sunSun before earth
Sea before dry landDry land before sea
Light on earth before sunSun before light on earth
Earth before other planetsEarth at same time as planets
Man before deathDeath before man
Man before thorns and thistlesThorns and thistles before man
Birds before reptilesReptiles before birds
Plants before sunSun before plants
Birds before dinosaursDinosaurs before birds
By design: God spoke it into existenceBy accident: time, chance & natural process.
Earth’s covering: WaterEarth’s covering: fire
Man created on Day 6Man evolved over 3.5 million years
Man created perfectMan evolved from apes
Cause of death: sinCause of death: natural process
Man is physical and spiritualMan is physical only
Biblical day: 24 hoursBiblical day: million of years

Day 01: Does the big bang explain Creation?

There are a lot of Christians who are compromising God's word to match the "theory" of evolution.  Hope this sheds some light on the subject, Carol
The Big Bang God’s Chosen Method of Creation?
by Dr. Jason Lisle
November 20, 2007

How did this universe come into existence? Was it designed by God, and if so, how did He do it? Did God use “natural” methods to create the universe, or did He create everything supernaturally? These questions are central to our understanding of the purpose of the universe and our significance within it. Fortunately, there are answers.

What Does the Bible Say . . .  The Record of the CreatorThe Creator Himself has given a written record that summarizes His creative acts. Sadly, many people are inclined to ignore what God has said. Instead, they rely on secular philosophy to explain what happened in the past, and it contradicts recorded history and eyewitness testimony.

Can you imagine people applying such thinking to other fields of study? What if historians rejected recorded history and claimed that World War I never happened because their philosophy does not allow for the possibility of a world war? Would this be reasonable?

These days it is common for people to reject the possibility of a supernatural, biblical creation simply because they embrace the philosophy of naturalism— the belief that “nature is all that there is.”

The Big Bang Is Based on NaturalismSince the philosophy of naturalism does not allow for anything beyond nature, a naturalist would insist that the universe was created by the kinds of processes currently operating within it. The big bang is based on this critical assumption; that is, the big bang model attempts to describe the formation of the entire universe by processes currently operating within the universe. Stars, planets, and galaxies are all said to have formed “naturalistically”—by the laws of nature currently in operation today.

Is it rational or necessary to assume that the universe was created in the same way it operates? Not at all. We can see the absurdity of such thinking by applying it to other objects. A flashlight, for example, operates by converting electrical energy into light; would it be rational to assume that the flashlight was created by the conversion of electrical energy into light? No, it was created by an entirely different process. Most things are.

Logically, we can’t necessarily conclude that the universe was created by the kinds of processes operating within it. Naturalism is an assumption— nothing more. Claims that God used naturalistic processes deny what the Creator Himself has said about the creation of the universe.
Nonetheless, some professing Christians accept the claim that God used naturalistic processes, including the big bang, to create the universe. They might agree with atheistic astronomers that the stars and planets formed by slow natural processes over billions of years—with only one exception, that God’s hand directed these processes. Unfortunately, such views deny what the Creator Himself has said about the creation of the universe, as we will explore in the rest of this article.

The Bible Teaches Supernatural CreationThe book of Genesis says that God gave human beings dominion over the earth. He said we are to be stewards of His creation. Today, God sustains the universe in a logical, orderly way so that we can understand and influence it as we fulfill our God-given “dominion mandate.”

In many cases, we can write equations to describe the consistent predictable behavior of the universe. These equations, or “laws of nature,” are descriptions of the way God upholds the universe in the present. However, these laws of nature cannot describe how God created the universe. Like the flashlight, the universe was not created by the same processes that operate within it today.

God makes clear in 
Genesis 2:2 that He changed His mode of operation by the seventh day, when He ended His work of creation. So God is no longer acting today in the same way He was during the Creation Week. He is no longer speaking new animals, plants, and stars into existence. Creation was a supernatural event, which cannot be described by today’s laws of nature.

So naturalism (the underlying philosophy of the big bang) cannot be harmonized with Genesis. The big bang is diametrically opposed to the supernatural creation described in the Bible. Furthermore, there are many other differences between the big bang and the biblical account of origins. For example,
-The Bible tells us that God created heaven, earth, and everything within them in the span of six days (
Exodus 20:11) and rested on the seventh day. This is the basis for our work week (Exodus 20:8). In contrast, the big bang model claims that the universe and earth formed over billions of years.
-Genesis tells us that God created the stars on the fourth day—three days after the earth was created. In contrast, the big bang model claims that stars existed billions of years before the earth.
-The Bible tells us that the earth was made from water (
2 Peter 3:5; Genesis 1:2–9; Psalm 24:2), but the standard secular model teaches that the earth began as a molten blob.

A Story about the Past and the Future The big bang model is really a story about the alleged past. But few people realize that it is also a story about the alleged future.

The big bang model (in the most-accepted variation) claims that our universe will expand forever. At some point, all usable energy will be converted to a useless form, and life will no longer be possible. It’s a bleak outlook and one that is vastly different from the Bible’s description of the future. Scripture teaches that there will be a resurrection, judgment, and then a restoration of paradise. Clearly, the Bible is not compatible with the big bang.

What Does Science Say . . .  What about the Scientific Evidence?Most people don’t realize that the big bang is not only bad theology but also bad science. Is the big bang the same kind of science that put men on the moon or allows your computer to function? Not at all. The big bang isn't testable, repeatable laboratory science. It doesn't make specific predictions that are confirmed by observation and experimentation. In fact, the big bang is at odds with a number of principles of real operational science. Let’s explore some of these.

Missing MonopolesMost people know something about magnets, like the kind found in a compass. These magnets have two “poles”—a north pole and a south pole. Poles that are alike repel each other, and opposites attract. A “monopole” is a hypothetical massive particle that is just like a magnet but with only one pole. So a monopole would have either a “north” pole or a “south” pole, but not both. Particle physicists claim that the high temperature conditions of the big bang should have created magnetic monopoles. Since monopoles are predicted to be stable, they should have lasted to this day. Yet, despite considerable searching, monopoles have not been found. Where are the monopoles?

The fact that we don’t find any monopoles strongly suggests that the universe never was that hot. This indicates that there never was a big bang. But the lack of monopoles is perfectly consistent with the Bible’s account of creation because the universe did not start at extremely high temperatures.

Where Is the Antimatter?Another challenge to the big bang is the “baryon number problem.” The big bang supposes that matter (hydrogen and helium gas) was created from energy as the universe expanded. However, experimental physics tells us that whenever matter is created from energy, such a reaction also produces antimatter.

Antimatter has similar properties to matter, except the charges of the particles are reversed. (So, whereas a proton has a positive charge, an antiproton has a negative charge). In any reaction where energy is transformed into matter, it produces an exactly equal amount of antimatter; there are no known exceptions.

The big bang (which has no matter to begin with—only energy) should have produced precisely equal amounts of matter and antimatter. Thus, if the big bang were true, there should be an exactly equal amount of matter and antimatter in the universe today. But there is not. The visible universe is comprised almost entirely of matter—with only trace amounts of antimatter.

This devastating problem for the big bang actually is a powerful confirmation of biblical creation; it is a design feature. God created the universe to be essentially matter only—and it’s a good thing He did. When matter and antimatter come together, they violently destroy each other. If the universe had equal amounts of matter and antimatter (as the big bang requires), life would not be possible.

ConclusionThe big bang is not compatible with the Bible and is not good science. There simply isn’t any good reason to believe in the big bang. It is not compatible with the Bible, and it’s not good science. In the limited space of this article we have sampled just a few of the scientific difficulties with the big bang. Although secular astronomers have proposed potential solutions to such problems, I would suggest that such problems are symptomatic of the underlying incorrect worldview. The big bang erroneously assumes that the universe was not supernaturally created but that it came about by natural processes. However, reality does not comport with this notion. Science confirms the message of the Bible: “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.”